Woody Shaw FM

The official Woody Shaw streaming app for iOS and Android.

Join the community

Hi there — Welcome to the Woody Shaw Streaming Archive - developed in cooperation with The Woody Shaw Institute of Global Arts. Listen to classic Woody Shaw albums and tons of previously unreleased recordings, concerts, and exclusive tracks collected over the past several decades.

This app currently streams hundreds of tracks, and over time we will be uploading even more, with specially curated playlists, podcasts, interviews and other content that will only be available right here. As a paid subscriber, you can watch videos, listen to all recordings, search for specific songs, listen all day in shuffle mode, or on repeat.

As a free trial member, you can listen to all of the classic Woody Shaw albums. You can save your favorites for later and even switch the color scheme from dark mode to light mode and back (settings menu, top-right). This app brings you the most complete collection of previously unreleased live recordings of Woody Shaw, curated specifically for the die-hard fan, student, or musician. By becoming a paid subscriber, you are helping to preserve the cultural and educational legacy of this great artist while furthering our ongoing efforts to preserve his legacy.

Your support also helps us bring you exclusive content as we continue to grow this amazing app well into the future. Should you have any questions or comments, just drop us a message in the settings menu. In the mean time, happy streaming. —Woody Shaw III

Choose Your Vibe

Dark Mode

For the nocturnal at heart, listen to Woody Shaw with the smooth and mellow vibes of the 'dark mode design.

Light Mode

For the light at heart, switch to light mode and enjoy a 'brighter' viewing and listening experience.


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Choose Your Content

Audio and Video

"This music is meant to be a light of hope, a sound of strength and of coming through"

Woody Shaw


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